Deep Unsupervised Learning

Notes from the Berkley course on deep unsupervised Learning.

Image credit: Synced

Lecture 1 (Autoregressive Models)

Likelihood-based models

  • Problems we’d like to solve: Generating data, compressing data, anomaly detection
  • Likelihood-based models estimate the data distribution from some samples from the data distribution
  • the aim is to estimate the distribution of complex, high-dimensional data with computational and statistical efficiency.

Generative models

  • Maximum likelihood: given a dataset x(1), …, x(n), find θ by solving the optimization problem.

  • It is equivalent to minimizing KL divergence between the empirical distribution and the model.

    How do we solve this optimization problem?

    • Stochastic Gradient descent

    Why maximum likelihood + SGD? It works with large datasets and is compatible with neural networks.

Designing The Model

  • The key requirement for maximum likelihood + SGD: efficiently compute log p(x) and its gradient.
  • pθ —> deep neural network

Autoregressive model

An expressive Bayes net structure with neural network conditional distributions yields an expressive model for p(x) with tractable maximum likelihood training.

RNN autoregressive models - char-rnn


Masking-based autoregressive models

  • Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation (MADE)


Masked Temporal (1D) Convolution (WaveNet)

Improved receptive field: dilated convolution, with exponential dilation. Better expressivity: Gated Residual blocks, Skip connections.

Masked Spatial (2D) Convolution - PixelCNN

  • Images can be flatten into 1D vectors, but they are fundamentally 2D.
  • We can use a masked variant of ConvNet to exploit this knowledge.
  • First, we impose an autoregressive ordering on 2D images:



PixelCNN-style masking has one problem: blind spot in the receptive field.


Masked Attention + Convolution


Neural autoregressive models: the good

Best in class modeling performance:

  • expressivity - autoregressive factorization is general.
  • generalization - meaningful parameter sharing has good inductive bias.

Masked autoregressive models: the bad

  • Sampling each pixel (1 forward pass)

    Speedup by breaking the autoregressive pattern

    • O(d) -> O(log(d)) by parallelizing within groups {2, 3, 4}.
    • Cannot capture dependencies within each group: this is a fine assumption if all pixels in one group are conditionally independent.
      • Most often they are not, then you trade expressivity for sampling speed.


Natural Image Manipulation for Autoregressive Models using Fisher Scores

  • Main challenge:
    • How to get a latent representation from PixelCNN?
    • Why hard? The random input happens on a per-pixel sample basis.
  • Proposed solution
    • Use Fisher score



Lecture 2 (Flow Models)

  • How to fit a density $p_Q(x)$ model with continuous $x \in R^n$
  • What do we want from this model?
    • Good fit to the training data (really, the underlying distribution!)
    • For new x, the ability to evaluate $p_\theta (x)$
    • Ability to sample from $p_\theta (x)$
    • And, ideally, a latent representation that’s meaningful

How to fit a density model?

Option 1: Mixture of Gaussians

Parameters: means and variances of components, mixture weights


Option 2: General Density Model


  • How to ensure proper distribution?


  • How to sample?
  • Latent representation?

Flows: Main Idea


Flows: Training

Change of Variable


Note: requires invertible & differentiable


assuming we have an expression for , this can be optimized with Stochastic Gradient Descent

Flows: Sampling


2-D Autoregressive Flow


2-D Autoregressive Flow: Face

Architecture: Base distribution: Uniform[0,1]^2 x1: mixture of 5 Gaussians x2: mixture of 5 Gaussians, conditioned on x1


Autoregressive flows

  • How to fit autoregressive flows?

    • Map x to z
    • Fully parallelizable
  • Notice

    • x → z has the same structure as the log likelihood computation of an autoregressive model
    • z → x has the same structure as the sampling procedure of an autoregressive model


Inverse autoregressive flows

  • The inverse of an autoregressive flow is also a flow, called the inverse autoregressive flow (IAF)
  • x → z has the same structure as the sampling in an autoregressive model
  • z → x has the same structure as log likelihood computation of an autoregressive model. So, IAF sampling is fast



  • Autoregressive flow
    • Fast evaluation of p(x) for arbitrary x
    • Slow sampling
  • Inverse autoregressive flow
    • Slow evaluation of p(x) for arbitrary x, so training directly by maximum likelihood is slow.
    • Fast sampling
    • Fast evaluation of p(x) if x is a sample
  • There are models (Parallel WaveNet, IAF-VAE) that exploit IAF’s fast sampling.

Change of MANY variables

For , the sampling process f-1 linearly transforms a small cube to a small parallelepiped . Probability is conserved:


Intuition: x is likely if it maps to a “large” region in z space

High- Dimensional Flow models: training

Change-of-variables formula lets us compute the density over x:

Train with maximum likelihood:

New key requirement: the Jacobian determinant must be easy to calculate and differentiate!


  • Split variables in half:


  • Invertible! Note that $sθ$ and $t_θ$ can be arbitrary neural nets with no restrictions.
    • Think of them as data-parameterized elementwise flows.


Onur Copur
Onur Copur
MSc Data Science

Data scientist & Industrial Engineer